Success | ADS | Chad Brooks

Asking anyone to define “success” can result in a long-winded babble of rambling prose. It’s easy to see why because it’s pretty blurry, subjective, and vague to define. Just do a Google search of “success” and you will find 315 million results! Therefore I won’t bore you by trying to define it, after all, why add one more result to the search and make it 315,000,001!

What I will say though, is that if you’re doing something that really matters to you, and you’re doing it surrounded by people who genuinely matter to you, then carry on. Most people aren’t that lucky.

If you are one of the lucky ones, smile, put your game face on and charge forward! The world is in need of your story.

Maybe right now you’re not one of the lucky ones. I’d like to help you. I highly recommend you purchase and read this excellent book, Choose Yourself. Let me know your thoughts. I’d like to hear from you.


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Key To Success | ADS | Accelerated Dealer Services