Automotive marketing is currently in the middle of a shift in thinking. Over the past decade, marketers like myself have seen a tremendous shift in the media types with which we use to make buying decisions and how we communicate. This shift, in itself, has led to many improvements in marketing – especially automotive direct mail marketing. Following are some of the secret potions, if you will, that we find necessary for success.

Potion #1: Talent

Talent. I love the word!
So different from “employees.”
So different from “personnel.”
So different from “marketing professional.”
Talent! Just saying the word makes you pull up your chin and puff out your chest. It makes you feel good about yourself!

I love it because of the thoughts it brings to my mind: Kevin Durant dunking a basketball, Blake Shelton belting out a tune, Matthew McConaughey in complete command of a scene.

Talent matters to companies more than ever. But it’s not about labor. It’s not about head count. It’s not about bodies in cubicles. It’s about the people with true distinction. ARTISTS. Those that GO FOR IT! WOW or wuss! EXCELLENT or extinct! The kind of distinction that the world will wait in line for to acquire their services. Talent matters more than ever in every aspect of marketing.

Potion #2: Imagination

When we look at our customer, we think: “How can we make this dude or dudette rich and famous?” We imagine what it’s like for a prospective buyer to receive our marketing. What makes them tick? What’s in it for them? Is the message right? What could we do better?

Direct Mail Marketing Success

Potion #3: Strategy

It all begins with strategy. Good ideas don’t exist in a vacuum. What consistently separates winners from losers is their approach to strategy. We place emphasis on value, innovation, and execution. What’s behind a good strategy? Talent, systems, and process.

Potion #4: Innovation

At ADS we champion innovation. We embrace change as an organization. Innovation is easy. Call me insane, I can handle that. But hear me out. I believe I can force myself into contact with new ideas, then those new ideas will drag me, willing or not, toward something new and thrilling. I will change because of one and only one thing, I’ve been forced to. As a company we force change, we make it routine. This is good for our customer and it is good for us.

Potion #5: WOW factor

How should you evaluate an automotive direct mail marketing project? My answer is simple: Is it . . . WOW?

We measure every project by four dimensions:


Sure there are other ingredients to success. But these are the main ingredients that I believe contribute to making us a leader in automotive direct mail marketing.

Let us put our team into action for you! Get the right marketing strategy today!

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